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Approve the best quote and leave the rest to us and our home painters. We'll make sure the job gets done.
Painter Handyman Plumber Electrician Builder Bricklayer Plasterer Carpenter Tiler Roofer Welder
Depending on the complexity of the painting plus location, you’ll see a big difference in what a house painter or a painting company will charge. If you book a single trade handyman service like a painter, you can expect to pay R750 for a full day, or as much as R3000 a day for that ‘extra mile’ kind of guy. While R3000 seems like a lot, you’re likely to get four times more work done. Our advice: get an itemised quote from your painter and expect to pay by the hour or ask to pay one price for the whole house painting project.
We had a complicated job that required both carpentry and plumbing skills. Vincent was excellent when it came to finding a solution to our problem and......
Very happy, thank you Jeff....
Good day, thank you Imeraan, your work is very neat, job well done!...
Hi yes, Patrick did a good job and was very helpful with dealing with my tenant :)...
You we're excellent Sello, thanks you. ...
I recently hired Nazeem for a tiling job, and I greatly appreciated his advice on product sourcing and cost-efficient options. I also valued that he w......
Petrus. I'm happy with what you did, thank you....
Thanks Mr., good work....
Good Job Rayaan, thanks....
Perfect, thank you so much!...
Very happy with his work...
Chris did such a sterling job. I'm really impressed. He has advised me on what I need to do in the near future....
Job well done. He exceeded my expectations....
The work Victor did was really good. Thank you...
100% thank you Phanuel...
Christo came come and did a perfect job, many thanks....
They helped us in a short space of time, with a trustful and reliable contractor, when nobody else was willing to go the extra mile. Much appreciated....
Great job, thank you Cuthbert...
Their work was completed within the estimated timeframe and everything was done neatly. We're very happy with their service and quality....
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